Thursday, September 9, 2010

Experiment #4: Homesick

There are times when I'm perfectly content here, when I don't think about what's next or what's happened, and just throw myself completely into the present moment. And then there are times like this morning when I wish I was waking up in my own bed without mosquito bites covering my feet. I can't pinpoint what exactly I'm missing from home, but I have the feeling that I'd feel just as homesick no matter what time zone I wake up in.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone there, lovey. If you're not homesick at times, you're not truly abroad. But you are doing such wonderful things and are truly immersing yourself (and you're not missing anything here, let me tell you! besides premature freezing cold and lots of homework...) and I'm so proud/envious of you. Keep throwing yourself into every moment.

    your summer roomie :-)
    (ps, I've been making pizzas like we did a couple times in the summer, but it just doesn't taste as good without your balsamic reduction thingie...)
